

What is PEP?

PEP is Perfecting Employee Performance, a cloud-based automated employee performance management system.

Why PEP?

PEP assists the entire team by simplifying the communication process between management and employee. PEP tracks conversations and manages all aspects of the employee performance process. We help the entire team be more successful!

How long does it take to write a performance review?

If the reviewer is prepared, it should not take more than a half hour. If the reviewer is not prepared, it can take a very long and seemingly endless time.

How does PEP work?

PEP begins by setting performance goals and competencies. PEPtalk™ provides tech-based continuous coaching so that employees receive individual feedback. The 3rd and final step in the process is an online performance review.

How important is coaching?

Coaching is crucial to managing employee performance. Setting performance expectations at the beginning of the performance period takes an hour or so. Evaluating performance at the end of the performance period takes half an hour or so. That leaves approximately 2,078 hours in between for coaching.

What exactly is coaching?

Coaching is observing what employees do and how they do it. Identify effective actions and behavior and provide positive recognition. When ineffective actions or behavior are observed, constructive criticism should be provided to the employee.

Does coaching have to be formal and documented?

Not always, however, documented coaching has pronounced advantages. It has a longer life, therefore continues to be relevant. It also provides a history of performance over a period of time. It is the basis for unassailable performance review.

How are goals set?

PEP provides the means for managers and their employees to set goals and track progress toward achievement.

What is the difference between a performance goal and a performance competency?

Goals are tailored to an individual employee. A performance competency is a characteristic and skill required for the successful completion of a job. All employees in the same job share competencies.

Why do employees need goals?

Goals direct an employee’s actions and efforts toward achievement and away from unrelated activities. Goals energize employees and challenge them to use their existing knowledge to attain a goal or to acquire new knowledge needed to achieve a goal.

Should all employees have goals?

Not necessarily. Some jobs are routine and the duties and responsibilities are well set within specific behaviors. Those behaviors should be carefully detailed in performance competencies. Such competencies include accuracy, attitude, communication, demonstrate core values, job knowledge, skill, problem solving, productivity, quality, teamwork, etc. Each competency has a definition so that employees and managers know what is expected.

How does a reviewer prepare to write a performance review?

Some take notes during the performance period. If they don’t lose those notes, they can refer to them when preparing the review. Some managers keep copies of emails or memos. Again, they can be used to prepare the performance review. PEPtalk™ not only communicates coaching between managers and employees, it archives the coaching for the entire performance period. PEPtalk™ is online in the system and is available to the employee and manager at any time and is especially useful to prepare the performance review. Referring to PEPtalk™ shortens the time it takes to do the performance review.

What is the right length for a performance period?

It varies depending on the job. One thing is for sure, not all jobs fit the traditional annual review.
Starting with newly hired employees, we recommend a one-month performance period. A two-month or three-month period is just as easy with PEP. At the end of the initial performance period, the new hire can be moved to the same period as other employees doing the same job. If the new hire is not meeting expectations at the end of the period, the performance period should be extended.
Sales jobs generally fit a quarterly performance period to coincide with sales goals. Performance competencies can be reviewed at the same time so that how the sales employee does the job is observed and noted.
With PEP you chose the length of the performance period based on what you want each employee to do in each job.


How long does it take to get set up with PEP?

It is possible to be up and running in PEP in a day. A larger workforce with more job functions take a little longer. We work with you to customize PEP to fit your employee performance needs and do so expeditiously and with a sense of urgency. We want you to experience the strength that PEP will give your entire workforce.

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